Monday, October 4, 2010

What is it with moms and lists?

Why does making a list make me feel like I'm better organized? What is it about seeing things in list form that helps goals seem more attainable? Hmmmm....

It's not the full list, but here are some things that make me tick; that really make me feel fulfilled:

Lindsey's To Do Fulfill List

-Swallow the desire to yell and successfully use a quiet voice
-A clean kitchen (whether I was the one who cleaned or not;))
-Clean laundry folded neatly in drawers
-Prepare and enjoy a healthy meal with my family
-Read for fun at the end of a productive day
-Shower and girl up;)
-Wake up before boys, study scriptures and pray, pray, pray!
-Help Jonzy learn about someone/something in the scriptures and figuratively jump for joy when he mentions it at another time
-Choose to do/not do something that results in kicking Satan and his minions further from our home and family
-Not just teach, but enjoy school time
-Get everyone out of pajamas by 10 am
-Memorize a verse from a hymn
-Continue in consistency; they'll learn to say please eventually!

I don't cross everything off my list everyday, but it's a grand start I think:)

Check out MamaBlogga's list, too.


Jordan McCollum said...

Hooray! I especially like getting everyone out of PJs by 10 (Um... no comment) and having J mention a scripture story back to you!

Jocelyn Christensen said...

This is a very worthy list...It's taken me all day to read it though! LOL