Friday, April 2, 2010


Sure the last few days have been rough.

But my trials pale in comparison and the horizon is quite bright.

Today is Good Friday. Tomorrow is the first day of General Conference. And the day after that- the most wonderful day of the year! Easter is almost here:)

And this year, Easter and General Conference are on the same day.

Last year, I wondered aloud why we don't celebrate Easter as long and as big as we celebrate Christmas. I mean, what happened on Easter Sunday is the reason we celebrate what happened on Christmas day. Bret says it's just too special and sacred to celebrated like we do at Christmas (I don't remember his exact words; c'mon it was a year ago:)). I agree.

And really, I like the quiet reverence of the day. I like those waves of whole-body-joy that I get on Easter when I get the chance to pause and think, "Wow. What an amazing gift!" I have no words to really describe how awesome this holiday is and how grateful I am for my Savior and how grateful I am for my Father who sent Him. Love abounds. And it's so easy to feel at Easter time:)

He is risen.


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