Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Ah, Thursday. Welcome, welcome. What a gorgeous day it is outside.

Today, I am thankful for a "moral compass." More specifically, I'm thankful that my moral compass isn't broken and hasn't been confused by the magnetic pulls of the world. I think without my trusty compass I would be so utterly confused. I wouldn't know where to stand on so many issues.

As I look at arguments for and against different issues with an objective mind (don't laugh or think I'm lying. I really can be objective!), I honestly can see valid points on either side. Without my moral compass, I think I would be such a fence sitter.

But I DO have a working moral compass! It shows me the way to go. It makes the right path more clear and certain. I am so thankful to have direction.

In parting, here's something to think about:

"For behold, the Spirit of Christ is given to every man, that he know good from evil..."
-Moroni 7:16

What are you thankful for today?


Jordan McCollum said...

Have you ever done the Color Code? Seeing both sides is a trait of a White personality (as opposed to Red, Yellow or Blue, not Black ;) ).

Ryan and I are both White personalities. So we (despite the fact that our motivating goal is peace) often have actual arguments from points of view we don't actually espouse.

Lindsey said...

I've heard of the color code a couple times. You motivated me to take the test. I'm 48.81% White (with "significant proportions of other colors in [my] overall makeup that help shape [my] unique personality style.").

Interesting. And fairly accurate:)