Sunday, December 18, 2011

Thankful Thursday *cough*sunday*cough*

After my twinners were removed from my body, due to some complications and such, there was a period of six+ months that sitting down or standing up involved much pain and careful movement.

In the years since, I will regularly think (usually after flopping myself on the couch or jumping out of a chair) how wonderfully blessed I am to have a healthy body.

As I've healed from this latest sickness, I realized that it had been longer and longer between those kinds of thoughts. And I don't recall thinking anything like it since the summer at least.

Perhaps this latest bout, among lessons of patience and faith, was a reminder to be grateful for my health and my family's health.


Did it hurt? No? Then you are one lucky person!

Take a deep breath through your nose.

Possible? Catch the delightful scents of Christmas, to boot? Lucky you!

Did you have the strength to shower AND get dressed today? To make a meal for your family? To stand and walk across the room?

Good health is an amazing blessing!

I am taking great pleasure in swallowing without pain and having the strength and energy to be Mom again. And with antibiotics to kill this sinus infection, soon I will enjoy the smells of Christmas, too.

It's the little things:)

Merry Christmas! Happy late Thankful Thursday!

What are you thankful for today?

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