Thursday, February 11, 2010

Thankful Thursday

This week sure has gotten away from me. I can't believe it's already Thursday.

Today is an extra special Thursday, too.

I am so grateful for Bret! I'm so grateful for the memories I have with Bret. This morning I heard that song on the radio that I believe is titled "Two is better than one" and is by ...Ihaveabsolutelynoideawhoit'sby who sings many of the songs I hear:) One line is "I remember what you wore on our first date." I heard that and suddenly pictured Bret on our very first date. That led to remembering our first date. As far as first dates go (or any date goes, for that matter), it was pretty amazing. We have so many fun memories together.

We have some not so fun memories together, too, that are just as meaningful to me. Like the time I was going to brush two year old Jonz' teeth a few days after the twins and I were home from the hospital. In his toddler rage at bedtime approaching, Jonzy hit me in my recently-operated-on stomach. I walked out of the bathroom, announced to those in the living room that someone else would need to take over teeth brushing. Then I went to Jonzy's room, sat on the rocking chair in the dark, and proceeded to have a hormone/pain driven-"I can't be a mom to three kids" sob session. From two+ years out this sounds a bit pathetic, I know. But unless you've lived through the total exhaustion and insane hormonal roller coaster that often comes with newborns, I hope you'll just take my word for it that it wasn't pathetic. Anyway, back to the point. I didn't know that Bret had followed me to the room until he was kneeling in front of me. I don't remember what he said, but I remember that he was there and that he held me and talked me through one of the darkest times in my memory.

How blessed I am to have a husband who is there in good times and bad.

Happy birthday, Bret! I love you and all the wonderful experiences and memories you've given me.

What are you thankful for today?

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