Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Today am an extremely grateful for Bret's job.

It provides us with enough money to support our family on. With careful planning, budgeting, frugality, and cost-cutting techniques we are able to live within our means and enjoy indulging in some of our wants.

But mostly, today, I am grateful for the flexibility Bret has with his job. That when situations arise, he can usually work things so that he can take the day off. Like today. I woke up sick and Bret was able to stay home with us and take care of me and the boys. I sure do feel spoiled...albeit sick, too.

I'm also grateful today for this lovely Christmas season. For the music, the movies, the decorations, and the wonderful happiness that comes from thinking more on Jesus Christ. What a wonderful time of the year!

What are you thankful for today?

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