Tuesday, March 13, 2012


All's been quiet on the blog-front for one day shy of a month. Wow!

I tried writing here. I really did. I have four drafts at the top of my post lists; obviously, I never finished them.

I've not enjoyed blogging for a while. I've lost the desire to read them, too. There's still about three favorites that I'll check out, but for the most part my desire to read is dead. Since my second pregnancy, reading takes a great deal of concentration in order to fully comprehend the words. I just don't have the heart to put that concentration into it lately.

Perhaps it will come back one day. But for now...meh, I really wouldn't care if it doesn't.

Anyway, here's a new post from me:

I've been feeling that I need to drastically simplify my life. For a long time, I dismissed the thought as ridiculous. I mean, come on- what's to simplify?!?

90% of my day to day scheduling is on my own terms. No worrying about scheduling conflicts, deadlines, getting up and going to bed at strict times. We want to do something- we do it; we don't- we don't. Very simple.

Church obligations are the same way. I have a calling (oh yeah! I got released from Nursery a couple weeks ago. It really didn't kill me to be in there for a couple years;)) that is wide open for me to set up however I feel directed to. Only one scheduled thing that I need to worry about a few times a year. Siiiiimple.

Every aspect of my life seems simple, simple, simple. In fact, I often worry that I look like a clueless simpleton to the rest of the world (anyone out there an Austen fan?:)).

So why do I keep feeling the need to simplify?

Obviously because I must. And so I will. The only ways I know how until I get some more direction.

I'll start spring cleaning and take trunkfuls of excess stuff to Goodwill. And I'll stop trying to get my tasks done as quickly as possible so I'm more open to "interruptions" from the ones who need me most.

Here I go. Wish me luck:)

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