Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Tipping Bucket

So...I have no idea what this contest is and whether or not this means that whoever doesn't win isn't able to go forward with their project, BUT this sounds pretty awesome so I'm going to link to it and hope you follow it and read all about it!

A friend has entered her idea in this here competition and I'm all for it. The idea as I understand it, is to take advantage of the social networking systems to raise awareness and $$ for special projects. It's titled, "Changing the World: One project, One Day, One Dollar at a Time!" Honestly, go read about it and vote. You can also get more details about it here.

You will need to register to vote, that takes all of twenty seconds since all they want is a username, password, and email. Then just scroll down until you find the "Changing the World" explanation and click on the "promote" button on the left.


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