Friday, September 24, 2010

Feeling Fulfilled

It's Feeling Fulfilled Friday, again!

It's been a...week. Not too shabby, but not very close to what I'd like it to have been. Why must life be like an old time rail journey? I sure wish I didn't feel like I was always taking one step forward and five steps back.

I tell you what though, I feel a major sense of accomplishment today. As of this afternoon, Jonz and I have officially made it to our first school vacation! We've been doing school for six weeks and we've made it to our first week break. Not exactly sure why, but I feel like this is a big success:)

And even though we won't be doing our normal, everyday lessons at home-we've still got school stuff next week. There's co-op and a field trip to the zoo planned. Yee-haw!

You may think that six weeks not so much to feel accomplished about; it does seem silly to me, too. But after experiencing these last six weeks- I feel like shouting from the rooftops, "We did it! Look how far we are!"

And I am very ready for this weekend:)

1 comment:

Jordan McCollum said...

Six weeks already? That *IS* an accomplishment!