Thursday, March 13, 2014

Again we meet

Every time I put Trooper down for a nap, I get insanely jealous. I want to take a nap, too!!!

I'm sick this week, too, so I want even more to take naps. Sometimes, the one year olds have all the luck.

And right now I have writer's block. So this week you get a list. Which, while possibly very boring to read, is at least much better than last week's nothing!

I am thankful for-

the smell of fresh cut wood as I walk through the skeleton of my future house
a van that gets us where we need to go
a warm house
wild, monkey boys
baby sign language
General Conference (it's coming sooooon!!!)
the Internet (well, most of the time. Sometimes I hate it and wish it would die)
deep fryers
diffusing essential oils
bikes (and the joy of seeing my twins riding like old pros)

What are you thankful for today?

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